Trusts and Trust Like Arrangements in Singapore
This microsite sets out:
The different types, forms and basic features of express trusts and wakafs, a trust-like arrangement under Muslim law,[1]; and
The processes for (i) setting up such express trusts and wakafs; and (ii) obtaining basic and beneficial ownership information regarding them; and
Trustees’ obligations and duties, including with respect to Anti Money Laundering / Countering the Financing of Terrorism (“AML/CFT”).
If you suspect a trustee may have breached his AML/CFT obligations, please write to us at this link.
[1] The wakaf is a Muslim arrangement and not a trust within the meaning of the Trustees Act 1967 (Mohamed Shariff Valibhoy v Arif Valibhoy [2016] 2 SLR 301 at [97]).